Tuesday, May 29, 2007

99 red balloons!!

I know when I left off yesterday I had promised that I would be back today to recount the events of the rest of the week. Well, I seem to want to keep only part of my promise- Am back but not willing to recount events. Don't blame me, blame it on whatever is causing me to feel all thoughful and random.

Why do people make friends? What motivates them to put that extra effort? Is it about just companionship or having someone to hang out with? and a friendship between a guy and a girl, does it happen always because of the possibilty of a certain end(for both). and what if that 'certain end' is gotten out of the way fairly early... will the friendship still blossom? (in which case there was more to it than just that end) or will it wither out and die? (indicating thus that it was all about the end). And why do we become better friends with some and not others? some may say, its all about the matching of personalities and interests. but everyone will vouch to having had atleast one friend who is completely different from them. A friend of mine keeps saying (well he says this about love but I think I can cheat a little here, heh!) that it is all about spending enough time together; Given enough time together, two people who are poles apart could begin to revel in each other's company (or even fall in love). But if that's all it takes, then what really is friendship? (or love?) and can it then survive long-distance? (since time becomes a scarce ingredient in that case)

Been having a really lovely day today. It all started when it rained yesterday night and the weather became cool and breezy. I decided to go over to B's place for the night and we ended up lying on her terrace talking about this and that. But alas, mosquitos soon came out in full force to defend their territory and we had to retire back inside. But the good weather was enough to make me feel high and happy and am just having a hangover from that (surely one hangover i don't mind having)
Anyways have to push off... more later!! Ciao!

PS- jus re-read the post and it sounds amazingly random, so i decided it deserves a random title to go along with it! ;-)

currently reading- City of Djinns- William Dalrymple
currently listening- I miss you- Blink 182, Here (In your arms)- Hellogoodbye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can understand what goes in the mind of a girl of your age. You try to look for reasons for every things happenning around you. And it seems so much happening around. Well girl, love, friendship, partnership, togetherness are all the same but since you can't experience all of them with one we try to distinguish whom we love, who is a friend and so on....

Basically all this comes from Human Nature you will be a good comapnion, love,a friend as long as you are a good human being.

That is the essence of Life. You would enjoy everything aound you if you are a good human being.

You mind is truely a wanderer. It goes subjects apart......