Thursday, September 25, 2008

Drugged Out...

I'm back. From Paris. Infact I've been back for a whole week now. And yet I haven't written a single post- Most notably one on Paris. I can't explain why, but I just haven't felt like it.

Maybe it's because Paris was so amazing that I have so much and (at the same time) so little to say. I have no idea where to begin. And I have an unfounded fear that somehow the magic of it all will disappear if I talk about it. Silly, I know.

Or maybe it's just because antibiotics are the scourge of the blogger, the harbinger of the blogger's block and I've been gulping them (and some drowsiness-inducing medicines) like candy. But i'm told they are the necessary evil- The good guys to fight all the bad ones inside of me. Afterall, right now, I am sounding like a frog, coughing like an old lady and walking around like a zombie (when I have fever). Bronchitis- That's the verdict (and all the way from France- how's that for 'couture' illness). And if antibiotics will make it all go away, I shall pop them religiously! But that also means that now I can't think very clearly since I am drowsy most of the time and I can't enjoy any food since everything pretty much tastes of rubber. Sigh!

But the 'Paris post' will happen. Soon.


88 said...

lol @ couture illness

btw pills high = goooood :)

take it easy kid... lots of soup and that other thing... whats it called...? Nimbu something :D

Szerelem said...

Post on Paris!

Nimbupaani said...

Blackfayth- Hmm...Nimbu somthing?? I can't even begin to guess what it could be. Tell tell! The curiosity is killing me :-P

Szerlem: Your wish is my command, apparantly...