Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Am snatching a few moments from work to post this, much as I know I don't really have the time (such is the lure of blogging and writing). To set some of your burning curiosity to rest (I refuse to use the curiosity killing cliche), I am in Delhi these days for a 4-6 month internship at GE India. And if the busy days (and its just my third day here) are any indication, it seems like i will get to do some really good stuff. And a reason this would come as a surprise to many is that it all happened so last-minute, I din't really get to tell anyone or bid anyone adieu before I joined here. So there!
I seem to have lost my train of thought (has everything to do with me being mentally pooped) i should get back to work...

will write a really long post soon...the moment I get internet at home...I promise!


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