Monday, October 06, 2008

It takes more balls to be a woman...

…because on average, we will spend a total of about 5 years of our lives dealing with PMS, rolling with painful stomach cramps, and walking around with pseudo-diapers between our legs. How’s that for inconvenient!

...because we are subjected to an unreal idea of beauty that makes us willingly let hot wax rip the hair off our skin and criss-crossing threads mow the hair off our faces. Why don’t people get it- Females, like most of the homo sapien species, have body hair! Live with it!

…because no matter how intelligent or interesting or accomplished we are, it is always ultimately about the beauty of our face, the proportions of our body and the color of our skin.

...because women are forever doomed to be uncomfortable if they want to look good- Stupid impractical g-strings, painful and blister causing high heeled shoes, circulation-preventing skinny jeans- the list goes on. So it's either pretty in pain or ugly in comfort. Either way it’s a lose-lose situation.

…because we have to live with being told by absolute morons that the slight bulge on our stomach is ugly and unnatural, while being a bag of bones with pale white skin is beautiful and awe-worthy. Get some spectacles please!

…because no matter what background we come from, we always end up needing to fight for things that seem to come easily to the boys and should also come easily to us.

...because we have to put up with life forms coming out of orifices obviously too small for the job. And apparently THAT is supposed to be the greatest joy of our lives!

...because despite all that, we still get labeled as the weaker and more delicate sex. Bah, Humbug!

Currently Reading: kitchen Confidential- Anthony Bourdain
Currently Listening: Sweet and Low- Augustana, Drive (Bass version)- Incubus, Don't look back in anger- Devendra Banhart

PS- This post is the result of a frustrating weekend spent searching for good looking AND comfortable women's footwear (which I realised doesn't exist), watching a performance of 'The Vagina Monologues' and obsessing about expanding thighs and unwanted body hair.

PS2- I am not joking about the 5 years. Trust me, I did the math!


Unknown said...

My darling girl,
Might I say that your feelings come through very strongly in what you wrote and yes , it is sometimes frustrating to go shopping amidst this make believe world of skimpy ,fair ,computer- modified women. But don't you ever forget that you are a woman of substance. Each woman on this planet, who has had children, made sacrifices, managed homes , reached board rooms, led companies, become entrepreneurs and the list goes on and on, is God's blessing on this planet.

And on a lighter note, a man may have the will but the woman always her way :) Is that not correct dear?? It is quite a famous chinese proverb that says "Man is the head of the family, woman the neck that turns the head."

Love u lots my angel :)

88 said...

G-strings are uncomfortable?!?
Nein I say!!!

Nimbupaani said...

Ruch: yeah! Here's to totally awesome women like us- May our tribe increase! Cheers!

On a serious note, I don't begrudge the man his sometimes easier life. And nor do I say that they have an easier life. Because they have their own bag of cares n problems. I just don't want my life as a woman to be tough! Asking for having my cake and eating it too eh?

Blackfayth: And I presume you say that based on your extensive experience of wearing g-strings? :-P
Maybe someday you can demonstrate how to be comfortable in a g-string since you seem to be the only one I know who has managed the feat!

E.GF. said...

Ooooh I like this post.So true, no matter what if we have a Ph.D or whatever, it is still more important to have a mani pedi on a regular basis.

You might want to try Camper for shoes? No? Just a suggestion..


Nimbupaani said...

Westy: So true! For women it's always about something stupid and shallow. You may be super-intelligent and super-qualified, but don't u have chaipped nail paint or non-filed nails or something equally inane. Apparantly it's not professional. BS!

Oh n I found a pair of the very elusive "good looking yet comfortable' shoes for myself, at last! Will def try camper the next time I need some feet clothing :-)

E.GF. said...

NP, btw, saw your comments on APSD's site re Cathay.. It would have been so cool if you had said hi! I thought you two knew each other anyway.. shows what I know..