Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Of writer's block, biting dogs and dying genes...

I have been staring at this screen for the last one hour and using the delete button more than I ever have. It's simply never happened before. Words never fail me. I usually have a million things to say and the words always flow through.

Not today.

I have a million things swimming in my head right now but the words just refuse to form. Maybe it's because I dont have one or two things to say. As I said, I have a million things. I am rambling now. Another first.

So well, This post won't be the most brilliant thing ever. It's ok. I'll live. I'll settle for mediocrity, just this once.

The last few months have been quite something. If 2007 deserved a eulogy, the last 3 months deserve hymns and epics written about them. I quit my job (finally!), took a month and a half long break before joining a job that pays more than just my rent (well it still doesnt pay for a Gucci or a Louis Vuitton bag. But I never really wanted one of those, now did I?). During that one-month-and-a-half break, I went back to Mumbai (to meet mommy and daddy dearest), managed a trip to Goa (albeit with my family, yet again), flew down to Newcastle and galavanted the british lands before finally coming back to the roost. And what a return it was. 1 week into the new job and I was travelling fulltime. First to KL (I stayed in the Ritz-initialized-pillows-royal-bathrooms-amazing-beds-carlton) and then to Bangkok. Infact as I write this, I am sitting by a wondow in a hotel room, looking out at the night lights of Bangkok. Yup, I'm living a consultants life baby!

But it wasn't all as rosy as I make it sound (coloring things pink has always been my knack). My first day in Mumbai, I got attacked by a dog (No, I did not provoke him. I prefer the version that the dog was simply retarded). Obviously that meant I had to get injections (4 of them, yes sire!). The very next day, I jammed my pinkie in a cupboard door followed by slipping in a mucky muddy mumbai-sabzi-mandi the day after. And then somehow I managed to get Sun-burnt in Mumbai. Yes, you heard that right. Me, of the indian skin and stubborn resistance to the sun, got sunburnt. And that too in Mumbai. Oh but it doesn't stop there (I wish it did). Nursing a sunburn, I made my way to Goa, laughing it all off as a freaky co-incidence. So much for optimism. In goa, as I was clicking away to glory, some crazy random lady bumped into me and knocked my camera out of my hand. The result was a broken camera. (repairing it dented my pocket by a whole 200 dollars). I returned to Mumbai with a broken camera and a broken heart (my beloved camera!) and the very night developed a severe allergic cold, to the point that I was rendered unable to speak. (Don't ask me the mechanics of that). I guess after all of that, I don't find 'Just my Luck' (yes I did see that movie) so far-fetched now.

But the more worrisome thing was what happened afterwards. The moment I left India and reached Dubai and then eventually Newcastle, I was fine. No biting dogs, No disabling allergies, No random mishaps, Nothing. And that worries me. Coz the inevitable may finally be happening. My india-compatibility gene is dying from under-use. And that, is a scary thought! Coz it also means bye-bye roadside pani puri and chaat, bye-bye sweat tempered pav bhaji, bye-bye dust seasoned bombay sandwiches. In short, bye-bye India living.

Ok, Now I am panicking! Come back gene, I miss u, I need u!

Currently Reading: Bridge of Rama (Ramayana Series)- Ashok K banker
Currently Listening- Can I stay- Ray Lamontagne, 9 crimes- Damien Rice, This years love- David Grey, Love Hurts- Incubus


Unknown said...

I pray that you get your gene back very soon baby. Love the way you write. Awesome. Way to go

Matthew 7.7 said...

In your next blog mention the Costa bag fiasco and the mobile phone tragedy (almost) in Alnwick as well....would be interesting to read that.....:)

Nimbupaani said...

Oh...I totally forgot about that. Maybe then, my India gene is intact and its infact just my bad luck!! (or it's me being completely careless and a total retard, but i prefer blaming my luck u see)

Chaos said...

u out of words...tht surely is a first...n i cant blame the dog...i m sure it must ve been some time he got to chow on firang meat.....yes i called u firang...now tht u have lost the indian gene....

also u should find some one better than ur luck to blame for all the mishaps...had u held the camera loop in ur hand it wudnt fall to break, had u been a lil more careful u wudnt slip, as for the last 1...if u sit in an air conditioned office all day or hotels for tht matter n then switch over to roaming in mumbai streets who wud not get sunburnt ???