Friday, July 25, 2008

Romantic Movie + Rainy Afternoon = Bad Idea!

I am a complete mushpot right now and filled with whimsical thoughts and 'awwww' moments. I guess that's what comes out of watching 'My Best friend's wedding' on a perfectly breezy and rainy afternoon.

I remember first watching this movie (in the afternoon also) over at Nitya's place in 7th grade while her mom was out shopping for some vegetables or something equally mundane. We were probably too young to understand the movie the way it was meant to be. Or to be able to draw any parallels within our lives. I mean, complex three way relationships and gay best friends are as far as it gets from school exams and sanskrit textbooks. But even then, we couldn't help being infected by the 'awww' feel of the movie, though it was only probably the pretty dresses and the mushy kisses (giggle, giggle).

Over the years since then I re-saw the movie in bits and parts, while browsing channels on bored evenings or visting friends (who were seeing the movie themselves at their place). I went through the phase when it became fashionable to scringe my nose at any movie that had anything mushy, cute, pink or awww about it. And that list included 'My Best Friend's Wedding'. I grew out of that phase (Thank God), and came to admit that while I do prefer comedies or action movies, the occasional chic-flick ain't so bad either. Oh but I digress.

So come this afternoon, I saw 'My Best Friend's wedding' from start to finish all in one sitting, for only the second time. And this time I got the movie the way it was intended to be gotten. I understood what Julianne was doing and the reason behind it. I drew parallels with my own life and mulled over what it would be, to be in a situation like that. I sighed everytime Rupert Everett came on the screen and wondered why I did not have a friend like that (and where could I get a friend like that). I envied Julia Roberts for making a profession out of something I love to do (I mean, food critic, how cool is that?). I got all dreamy eyed when Dermot Mulroney and Julianne were sharing screen space. I sang out aloud 'Forever, forever, you'll stay in my heart and I will love you' with the movie. And most of all I wished I had a long-time friend who wud make a 'get-married-to-each-other-at-28-if-we-haven't-found-anyone-else-yet' pact with me. (it's so avant garde!)

But now the movie is done and the ads are playing, I realise that it has actually left me feeling crappy about my life. And without good reason too. I have a perfectly nice life, lovely friends, people I love and who love me back, a nice enough job. I mean it's not picture perfect and I would tweak parts of it if I could, but its still a nice life. Right?

OK so now i'll just go tell myself that. "My life is fun! My life is great! I love my life!"

(Hmm. It's not working. Shit.)

Currently Reading: King of Ayodhya (Ramayana Series)- Ashok Banker
Currently Listening: Hum bekhudi- Mukesh, Don't look back in anger- Oasis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm.....My little angel has grown up !!I like ur casual style of writing and love reading ur blogs.It's amazing how the same thing appears so difeerent in the varied stages,moods and hues of life.